Daily Health Tips

What is it that really nourishes us?

Have you come across people who indulge in junk food and treats and eat like they don’t have a worry in the world? They are energetic, full of optimism and fairly healthy. You will find them sharing a bag of popcorn and a laugh at the cinema many a times.  Or a tea cake at a cafe just being in the moment.
On the other hand have you seen people who are so particular about what goes into their bodies, are dedicated to their fitness regime yet look so out of sync and unsatisfied with life? They will order the right meal, say and live by the right thing about health but they look so miserable within their own existence.
The difference is that the first group of people are nourishing their mind, body and soul whereas the other group are just feeding their bodies.
According to the Institute of Integrated Nutrition(IIN), this is what is called Primary Food™ vs Secondary Food ™.
Primary Food ™ is the food we feed our body’s outside of the Secondary Food ™ that we eat.
Sure we need good physical food but a robust, fulfilling life is the real fuel for happiness and balance.
Relationships, career, joy, spirituality, finances, social life, physical activity, creativity, health, home environment, home cooking and education all are different aspects of our Circle of Life (term founded by by IIN).  This is what we sum as our lifestyle. and when viewed holistically it has an enormous effect on nutrition.
The idea of Primary Food ™ is that there are many aspects of our lives that can nourish us. However, when it is out of balance you can eat all the broccoli and kale in the world and yet you will find a void within your body.
Much as we are all unique individuals we all have one thing in common and that is we all crave for play, fun, touch, intimacy, fulfilment, excitement, achievement and self expression. All of this is very important for the nourishment of our body.
Sometimes to find this balance we need to face our fears. Our fears differ but the only constant is the we must face them in order to evolve.
For example, lets take the area of relationships. Now with relationships it can be relationships with friends, colleagues, your partner, parents and children. If you were to look at that aspect of your Circle of Life, I ask you How are you doing in your relationships? Do you feel you get as much as you give? Do your friends and colleagues support you with your decisions? Do you feel you have invested in quality friends or do they drag you down? What about your partner, is there communication, respect and trust within your relationship? What would it take right now for you to be honest with yourself and face these questions and work towards making it better.
With the area of physical activity, take the leap to move more. use your body. Walk up the stairs, sign up for a marathon or your first run. Invite a friend to go for a walk, or a hike.
 Food is really important, but when your body is moving more that same food is absorbed differently.
If you already exercise, then mix up the activity. Try a new class or do a few extra reps.
In the area of spirituality, once you add that to your day you will find yourself feeling differently. Perhaps its your religion or faith that gives you immense satisfaction. Perhaps you enjoy daily guided meditation or follow an eastern form of practice; but by adding spirituality to our life we are adding more well being and self care into our daily routine and you will find yourself getting more into balance within your day.
Having said that, this is also not a short term fix. It is a long term lifestyle change and we need to take small steps that align with your needs and trust your gut instincts and understand your needs. Trust your gut 🙂 the term is so widely used, because it speaks the truth.
With health for instance, a simple initiative to move in the right direction would be to ask yourself what are your current healthy habits and are there things you know you should do to improve your health but you haven’t prioritised it.
Life is about change, and we all need to evolve. Yes, food is really really important. But i encourage you to look at your Circle of Life and take the steps to bring yourself complete mental, physical, emotional and physical satisfaction.
Hug and health
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